Project #7 Video Game


For this project, I had to create a video game that shows three things about my life. I explored to build in this project the three things that I like the most, traveling and discovering a new place, eating new food, and the cities that I love the most.

This game is easy to play. Using the arrows we need to try to land in the city, avoid the birds, and catch as much food as possible

Box Version:

I designed the video game in figma, creating first boxes as a quick prototype to identify and scope the story, elements of the game, scenes, movements and speudocode


I preload the images from figma in function preload, and create variables to access to the images. Then, I used classes for each image (clouds, birds, airplane, city, and food) and added movements for each loaded image. I created an array of images for those repeted images, then a forloop to make the number of images that will be draw, and pushed a new instance to add value to the elements of the image, such as axis. The forloop will also help to control the distance between each image, as well as the speed that they will have once the airplane touch the city, and the food falls from the sky. To move from one scene to the other one, I created a function for each elements part of the scene (), as well as forloops and if statements.

Design Process

First step of my projects was to sketch what I wanted to create and understand what are the componets of it, what I need to make those components, what are their functions or interactions, and what I need to make those interactions possible. Most of the time, I write that in whatever I have available at the moment, from my notebook to a napkin, then I sketch again, and work on the pseudocode in p5.js. Then I built the code to make my project. Thinking of each part of the elements of my project helps me to understand what code should I write. I found very usefull for this project to work with class and functions. It helps me to create an organized and clean code.


I have to continue working on my game because I realized that the cities change the name before the scenes. I'm not sure why that is happening but I found that interesting to address. Also, I could slow the speed of the food falling from the sky.